Identifying Three Affective Factors In Organizational Ambidexterity: A Systematic Review

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member, University of Guilan

2 Business Administration, Shahid Beheshti University


Due to the ambiguity and uncertainty of the organizational, it is crucial that  organizations environment, the adopt ambidexterity approach. The aim of this study is to identify the affecting factors to ambidexterity in organizations. A systematic review was used to examine the main research questions. This method uses a filters the selected papers, based on their abstracts and outputs. A total of 30 final papers were used in this study. After analyzing papers, the factors affecting ambidexterity were classified in to three general categories, which are contextual, structural and behavioral factors. Contextual factors consist of six indicators: environmental dynamic, competitiveness, market orientation, information asymmetry and institutional pressure. Also, the structural factors involve ten indicator's namely coordination, systemic capability, economy of scope, organizational age, organizational size, simultaneous use of organic and mechanical structure, surplus of resources, dynamic capability, and strategy of organization. Finally, the behavioral factors includes six indicators namely: strong culture, high employee engagement for learning, strong management team, high sociability and style of leader and manager. The results of the study indicate that in order to create ambidexterity, issues such as managerial motivations, the company’s liquidity and high environmental uncertainty must be taken into account.


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