Modifying Bargaining Power by Contract Imitation

Document Type : Research Paper


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2 Faculty of Payame Noor University


Lack of balance in transaction power between contract parties leads to a relatively deep gap between them causing one party of the contract to be named as poor party and the other party as strong party. Inequality in dependency levels, knowledge and urgent conditions of poor party are among the factors that pave the way for lack of balance in power between poor and strong parties. Legal justice necessitates proper strategies to be presented to face with this kind of inequality. In Iran's Law, only  some have reached from title of misuse of urgency to solution of duress transactions, annulment. Moreover, a number of theories have been proposed in developed countries like United States and England, and some of them have been proposed by Iranian lawyers, which, present strategies for annulment of imposed or unreasonable terms. However, this study aims to apply a strategy which, in addition to supporting the poor party, takes a step to maintain the principle of transaction necessity, so that trade boom and motivation for gaining knowledge and specialty will not be
disappeared. Exploiting Transaction Imitation Theory will be efficient with regard to this aim.


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