Reviews New Trade Bill about Single-Member Companies

Document Type : Research Paper


1 kharazmi university

2 University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services.

3 phd student


The new trade bill has accepted the possibility of forming a single-member company. in Article 479 Although acceptance of this type of lies company, which is coordinated with commercial and economic needs, is approved and supported, but, the writers of the bill have not acted correctly and comprehensively on this issue, which can cause ambiguities in how to run these companies. As efforts are being made to recognize single-member companie in Iranian law, it is essential to compromise between the interests of single-member companies and the rights of creditors for the new law to succeed. Currently there are many shortcomings in  this regards, as there is no legal system or a specific framework to cover the whole life cycle of such companies from the establishment to the dissolution. Thus, the importance of the present study, unlike the other reseachers, is that it examines the subject of  single-member companies in the new trade bill and discusses the related doing so, studying the experiences of other countries and the basics of commercial law can better reveal the flaws in the bill. Therefore, the present study suggests that regulations related to capital maintenance and transactions regulation should be provided. In addition to the personal competence of the partner, the single member company must have limitations in their scope of activities and they must not be allowed in banking and insurance sectors.


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